Saturday, June 26, 2010

Shower Surprise

After hosin' 'em, AB decided, all on how own with no encoruagement or instagation, to toss an ice-cold surprise on DW wile she showered off after long hot day of work in the garden....

Hose 'Em

Now that it's summer AB's taken to riding his bike and insisting that someone stand on our porch and "hose 'em" with his squirt gun. He does the shooting too. So be careful if you visit us on your bike....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Eating Cookie Dough

AB cleans cookie dough off the mixer and expounds on birthday cake and girls as DW bakes chocolate chip cookies..

Nerf Dart Gun

AB at target practice with the Nerf dart gun he got for his birthday...

Friday, June 04, 2010

AB' Cover Shot