Sunday, February 28, 2010

AB Gets a Mullet

Click here to get back to an out-of-sequence post with more on AB's first mullet....


IMG_0470, originally uploaded by jgphoto12.

AB at the park sledding down a hill on a classic saucer.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Shelf Life

IMG_4806, originally uploaded by jgphoto12.

AB likes to get out of bed at night and play in his room. Then he gets tired and just falls asleep wherever he happens to be. Tonight, it was on an empty booshelf.

Saturday, February 06, 2010


AB and I went for a haircut today. Seated in the chair the stylist asked: "how would you like his hair?" "Ask him I replied." And, as the result of hours of paternal coaching, AB chanted: "Mullet, Mullet - Mullet, Mullet....."